Books I've Read of Late


I'm not sure when this happened (okay fine, that's a lie. It was when I discovered Twilight), but apparently I love to read. Over the last few weeks, I have read the following books...

Obsessed with this series. More info here

This was okay. Not fabulous, but a good beach read. In general, I like Madeline's books. This is the same author that writes the shopaholic series.  Not sure why she publishes under two names...

Nicholas Sparks always does a nice job. Not a favorite, but a good read.
I randomly picked this book up in Maui on the Honeymoon because it had a colorful cover, and was in the best sellers wall for the young adult fiction (I know, I'm a deep reader). I wasn't sold on the description on the back, until I saw the publishing group is called Tegen something. Sure, they can't spell Tegan right, but I won't hold that against them. This was a really cute read.

Up next? Check these out.....


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