Memorial Day Weekend


Three day weekends are awesome.

Husband and I were crazy productive
this holiday weekend. 
I did like 8 loads of laundry
(no joke, we had a lot of laundry)
cleaned out our second bedroom,
which had become a holding place
for all the things we didn't know what to do with,
and I busted out my new clothes steamer
(gift from my fabulous parents)
and steamed half my wardrobe,
which had been hanging in the 
'to iron' pile for longer than I care to admit....

Additional highlights include...

{thrifting! half off at Value Village = happy me!}

{How fabulous are these glasses? They remind me of Anthropologie, but only cost a dollar...what what!}

{Ann Taylor Jacket - Love}

{Ann Taylor Dress - the fabric is amazing!}

{Lux coat and Petite Sophisticate skirt}

{New Jewelry! Some this you've seen before, but I finally washed it so its ready to wear}

{Loving these fabrics}

{Man chores - Husband fixing our fence}

{The entire wood post had rotted out because the old owners set the concrete so low}

{We ate way too many grilled cheeses this weekend...
Udi's gluten free bread, cheddar, and tomato slices}

I hope everyone else had a fabulous weekend!
Here's to a short work week!


  1. Grilled cheese is my FAVORITE. I want one right now.

  2. I feel like we should go thrifting together. But Natalie will have to come too. Because you are an experienced thriftier and I need someone to help me track you down when you zip around the store!

  3. i have never been thrift shopping but reading everyones blogs that do, makes it sound so fun! love me a grilled cheese!

  4. So that grilled cheese looked yummy, but those Ann Taylor outfits even more yummy!

  5. Cute cute! I just recently got into thrifting and it is addicting! Haha. And I am a good cook, but for some reason I can't make a good grilled cheese to save my life! Haha what the heck!

  6. mmm love grilled cheeses :)

  7. grilled cheese is totally my new favourite since going GF. gluten free bread is so only ok when toasted :)

  8. Great to meet you this weekend. I had to pop over and check out the ol' blog. It's official, you're waaaay fancier than I am. :o) But that cheese oozing out the sides of that sammy make me want to curl up and snuggle it. I love me some cheese.
