Okay guys,
I've given up counting in French.
I took Spanish.
But I'm better at English...
Hence, Part Four.
This was a good day
in the world of vintage and thrift shopping.
I think I bought most of the store.
And I still left stuff behind.
(girl's got a budget!)
I tried really hard to leave this behind.
It's a size 12
(vintage 12, so probably a size 8 today),
whereas I am a size 0.
But how can you say no to such a beauty?!
I am going to take it to my tailor,
see whether it will cost me an arm and leg to shrink down
(which it probably will)
and if it's too expensive
I'm going to attach the beaded trim to a shirt or skirt or something.
Banana Republic silk skirt, Ann Taylor floral shirt, Gap capris
red pencil skirt, navy and white trench
blue and gold scarf, china plate to hold jewelry, and COACH scarf (for $2!!)
I saw this on the ground on my way out.
It's like I was meant to find it.
World's tiniest cameo neclace.
Happy Thrifting!
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