Three Reasons This Week Rocks!


Reason 1
On my way into work,
I heard "Rockafella Skank" on the radio.
Who remembers She's All That?

Reason 2:
I checked the weather
and there is a chance of snow this weekend.
I would seriously heart me some snow.

Reason 3:
I had a successful day at the gym
(New Year's Resolution: take better care of myself).
I quit weighing myself years ago,
but the scale was beconing me,
and I thought
"why not?"
Turns out,
I'm the same weight I was in high school.
Never thought I'd see that!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED that scene from She's All That... always wished the peeps in my high school dances would bust out like that!
    It's snowing here in the 'ville, but barely... really it's just effing cold.
    kudos for your gym day! : )
