Anthropologie versus Target


I have always loved Anthropologie,
but I usually can't bring myself to pay their prices.
Recently, however, I've decided that I may be able to find
all the Anthropologie things I want and love
for much, much cheaper at Target.
Let me see if I can convince you too.

Argument 1
I've had my eye on an Anthropologie dress for months.
It costs $178 dollars. 
I am not prepared to spend that much on one dress. 
But then I found something very similar at Target for less than $20.



While I love the Anthropologie dress,
the Target one has some advantages. 
The colors and lack of sleeves
make it more spring/summer appropriate,
and it cost WAY less. 

Argument 2
We are in the process of redoing our master bedroom. 
I've been using this picture as inspiration.


I found this bedspread at Anthropologie
which I thought was a pretty good match.
But it costs $228.
Then I was at Target this weekend,
and I found an even better match for $80!




So pretty much,
before I buy something at Anthropologie I am checking Target.

What about you?
Did I convince you?


  1. i, too, have a thing for anthro but can never get myself to actually walk up to the register to pay for a cardigan that costs 80 when i can get it h&m for seriously, about 8.

    xx jes

  2. Im pretty sure you convinced me. I am in love with everything Anthro, but have never purchased anything from their store. I always buy knock offs.

  3. As much as I love walking through Anthro, I've only bought ONE thing from there, and it was my bridesmaid dress for a best friend's wedding next month. Dress on sale for under $70! :-)
