Favorite Small Businesses


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You guys, I am DONE with my Christmas shopping and its not even December yet!! This is a serious first for me. I usually run around at the last minute stressed out because things are sold out. But now, I just feel so relieved! All my gifts were ordered online via Black Friday promotions and are on their way to me! Now I have all month to wrap them (which I will probably do in the next two weeks) and everything is set to go.

A few great things I have noticed about shopping early...

1. Better prices. You can internet stalk the prices on the item you are looking at and wait to buy it at the perfect moment! I got a lot of my gifting done when items were 50% off, which helped my pocket book!

2. Better selection. Things are still in stock when you shop early, so you can get the exact item you want for someone and not have to settle for a different color or style then what you had in mind.

3. Calm. Deep breath. Big smile. I feel calm. No frantic shopping for me this year! I am on. top. of. it!

Ummm... I may also have to confess that I used this weekend as an excuse to get myself a few things. BUT, these items support some great small businesses and are going to be perfect as I start 2015 off with a BANG!!

First on the list is the Simplified Planner. To be honest, I hadn't even heard of this until my friend whipped hers out a month ago and began to profess her love for it. I have a planner I used last year for my business, but it didn't have enough room. I wanted something that had more space for to-do lists by day, notes, events, etc. I have A LOT OF THINGS going on at all times and if I am not organized it's easy to forget something. I posted on my personal FB to ask my friends about this planner and it turns out ALL MY FRIENDS HAVE THIS. I was like, what the hell friends? How did you ALL discover this epic planner and then no one told me?? But they all LOVE theirs. So okay, sold. I needed one too. These things are like hot cakes. I got the last print available because everything else sold out. I love the print though - they are all cute. But damn. Move fast people. Who knew planners were so competitive!

Second, I splurged and got myself a personalized notebook from May Designs. I have developed kind of a secret obsession with cute stationary. I cannot wait to show you all what mine looks like!!! I wanted something cute to carry in my purse and keep business notes in and I think this will work perfect. I also ordered our holiday cards through them and they are SO CUTE. I can't wait for them to show up.

How was your weekend?? What did you splurge on? And how far along are you with your holiday shopping??

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