Shirt: Thrifted, Skirt: Old Navy, Necklace/Belt: JCrew, Bracelet: Vintage, Shoes: Aerosoles
I'm not sure where this comes from,
but when I think about a normal
'Casual Friday' work outfit,
I picture a bunch of guys in khaki's
and black shirts.
Maybe this was in a movie I watched
as a child?
This is my version of khaki's and a black shirt.
It has a lot of traditional elements to it,
but enough special touches to keep me
from getting bored by it.
The embroidery on the shirt,
the bright necklace,
they add something fun to it.
Or at least I like to think so!
Also, can we give a round of applause for Husband?
I'm seriously impressed with his
outfit post photography skills.
We've only had our camera a few weeks,
and he keeps getting better and better.
Now there is a supportive husband!
hi there! newest follower to your blog :) i love this outfit! i need a good khaki skirt... you rocked it! so excited to read more from ya and would love if you followed back!