Men and Shopping


Husband and I went shopping yesterday. 
He needed some new ties for his fabulous new job 
he is starting on Monday.
His favorite place for ties is Banana Republic,
so we stopped in there and found a fabulous sale.
I kid you not, $5 ties. 

After we'd finished shopping for Husband,
I went to the women's department to do a quick check
on the women's sale items.
The minute we got to that section,
Husband made a bee line for the chairs.
I went about my shopping, 
and when I came back I stumbled upon this scene.
Three guys, obviously dragged to the women's department by their ladies,
all on their iphones trying to kill time.

I had to document it with a photo.
It still makes me smile.

Also, I really love my Husband.  :)

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