Suttle Lake, OR


This story starts with the fact that I really had to pee.
Like really, really bad.
Like drank an entire smart water and hadn't seen a rest stop in two hours really bad.

I was on my way to Bend for the day.
I had to pee and I was at the point that I was surveying bushes along the highway,
trying to see if I could find one where I wouldn't be noticed.
Now, that alone should tell you how drastic this situation was.
I hate peeing outside!
And using a bush is a last resort for me!
I was just about to loose my cool when I saw a turn off for Suttle Lake.
The sign said they had a resort, and I figured that was a good chance to find a toilet.

This story has a happy ending.
I found the most gorgeous bathroom ever.
Scented candles, gorgeous wood everywhere.
But the best part is I found this resort.
It is so magical and gorgeous!
All the beauty of Central Oregon but at an affordable price.
The resort has 'fancy cabins' that are like $200 a night,
but they also have rustic cabins that are $70.
These ones don't have plumbing or anything,
but they look great for a weekend camping trip.
And how gorgeous is this place?
I'm totally going back.

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